Building Trust & Relationships

This learning path provides your current and future leaders with the essential core skills and abilities necessary to effectively work with other individuals.

“Building Trust and Relationships” is relevant for everyone. It provides employees with fundamentals to ease communication and decrease the likelihood that conflicts will arise, such as building trust and taking others’ perspectives into mind. Ever more critical as employees begin to expect their leaders to not only provide technical support but also create genuine, open, and compassionate avenues for communication and support this learning path has the potential to set your leaders apart.

In this learning path, learners get to practice setting goals to enhance trustworthiness with colleagues, empathy in action (a Case Study), and identifying opportunities and committing to engage in empathy.

Key Objectives

  • Understand how to Build and Mend Trust
  • Implement Methods to Show Vulnerability and Authenticity
  • Employ Strategies to Display Empathy and Compassion
  • Understand and Utilize the Concept of Perspective-Taking
  • Authenticity
  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Personal Leadership
  • Trust
  • Vulnerability

Level 1: Most relevant for everyone

39 micro-lessons and 2.9 hrs of content

When paired with live mastery sessions, delivered over 8 weeks.

Completion certificate issued

4.5 stars (out of 5) in satisfaction

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