Dynamic people leadership training you can scale

Help leaders unlock their full potential through the perfect blend of live instruction, platform-based micro-learning, and AI-backed practice and insights.

“As a new leader, Monark prepared me with the tools and knowledge to tackle hard conversations while building trust and rapport with my reports and colleagues.”
Laura Geissler
Manager, Business Operations
Grid Group

Leaders love the learning, businesses love the results

Monark was built for today’s busy leaders. Interactive, bite-sized lessons help leaders learn, practice, and apply concepts more consistently and effectively than a one-hour webinar or cross-country conference.

Quantify training ROI

Go beyond completion rates to measure how leaders improve across core competencies and demonstrate lasting behavior change.

Watch retention rates soar

Employees will never “quit their bosses” again when you boost self-awareness and cultivate confidence in key leaders.

Optimize effectiveness and efficiency

After new learnings have “stuck”, Monark helps leaders enhance and streamline interactions with their teams.

Delivering Transformative Results

70% of leaders experience positive behavior change

94% of leaders are applying and practicing learnings daily

13% reduction in employee turnover intentions

72% completion rates on learning paths

Optimized learning, using research-backed methods

Monark makes cutting-edge leadership research easy to access, digest, and retain.

Improve self-awareness

Effective leaders understand their own strengths, weaknesses, and gaps. Regular, full, and micro 360-degree assessments help learners understand where to focus growth efforts.

Learn and retain concepts more easily

Calendars are full, and attention spans are short. Monark guides leaders through 5-minute micro-lessons that leverage video and audio, making them easy to learn today and remember tomorrow.

Practice makes progress

Monark leverages cutting-edge AI and proprietary research to help leaders refine essential leadership skills. Through live call and chat simulations, they navigate realistic scenarios, such as difficult conversations or performance reviews. Upon completion, leaders receive detailed performance insights and scores.

Promote contextualized social learning and collaboration

Enhance self-led digital learning with Live Mastery Sessions that allow leaders to learn and grow from one another. Sessions are facilitated by certified coaches and IO psychologists who guide leaders through reflection and activities that are contextualized to leaders’ backgrounds and the organization.

The average size of teams is growing, and work isn’t slowing down

As a leader, it can be challenging to simultaneously perform in your role and manage a team. Let us help with that. After mastering core skills and new behaviors, leaders leverage Monark to manage the application of their newly learned skills (like conducting regular one-on-ones) but with recent assessment data and historical notes at their fingertips.

See how Monark moves learners from awareness to application

With personalized learning experiences and a focus on practice, it’s easy to see the changes in leaders.

Ditch confusing models and pseudo-science for content that cultivates leaders of tomorrow

Courses are grounded in behaviors (things we know we can teach!), split into bite-sized micro-lessons, and are intended to grow with leaders throughout their careers as they master new competencies and encounter new challenges.

Your outcomes. Our obsession.

Monark comprehensively measures individual and organizational change for you, making it easy to spot super leaders, proactively intervene on upcoming opportunities and challenges, and validate training ROI across your organization.

Your leaders are your future

We can help you make a people investment you can actually quantify.